How To Scaffold In Math

ALI Staff | Published  April 14, 2021 | Updated July 25, 2024

Scaffolding is a powerful educational strategy that provides temporary support to help students grasp new concepts and skills. Scaffolding in math involves building up basic skills gradually, allowing students to tackle more complex problems with confidence. 

This blog explores essential scaffolding techniques, demonstrating how teachers can use these strategies to support students at various levels. From solving elementary word problems to understanding middle school probability, you'll find practical examples to enhance your math instruction and promote student success.

Students holding up whiteboards in math class


What is Scaffolding in Education?

Scaffolding, a term borrowed from the construction industry, is now a common best practice in the world of education. Scaffolds are temporary structures of support used to repair and construct buildings. These scaffolds are removed when the structure no longer requires extra support.

Scaffolding in education refers to a teaching strategy that provides temporary support to students until they can master a task independently. It involves breaking down learning into manageable chunks and providing tools, resources, or guidance at each step. As students gain confidence and skills, these supports are gradually removed, allowing them to progress independently.

In math education, scaffolding is particularly crucial, as many students struggle with this subject. It helps students build a strong foundation in basic math skills, enabling them to tackle more complex concepts over time. For example, a teacher might use manipulatives to teach addition and subtraction before moving on to abstract numerical problems. By providing visual aids, guided practice, and interactive discussions, educators can ensure students grasp difficult concepts and apply them effectively.

Not only is this a practical method for learning and teaching content, but it has also proven to be an effective technique for the social and emotional learning of students as well. Scaffolding helps students develop confidence, resilience, and a growth mindset, which are essential for academic success and personal development.


What Does Scaffolding Look Like in Math Class?

Scaffolding may seem more straightforward in subjects like reading and writing, but it is especially important in subjects that require abstract thinking and analysis, such as math.

Math scaffolds mean building up basic math skills until students have enough resources and skills to tackle more complex concepts. This involves using tools like manipulatives, visual aids, and step-by-step problem-solving techniques to help students understand foundational concepts before moving on to more challenging material.
When educators combine strategies with scaffolding in math, students are able to show progress in developing mastery. It all starts with a firm foundation!

By gradually increasing the complexity of tasks, scaffolding helps students make connections between concrete examples and abstract concepts, enhancing their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This method also promotes a deeper understanding of mathematical principles, enabling students to apply their knowledge in new and varied contexts.


Differentiation vs. Scaffolding

When teaching math, it's important to understand the difference between differentiation and scaffolding. Scaffolding involves teachers providing temporary supports to help students understand and master specific content standards. These supports are gradually removed as students become more proficient, ensuring they can progress independently.

Math differentiation, on the other hand, focuses on tailoring instruction to meet the diverse needs of students. This approach recognizes that students have varying backgrounds, readiness levels, interests, and learning profiles. Differentiation can involve modifying the content, process, product, or learning environment to ensure all students can access and engage with the material. For example, some students might need visual aids, while others benefit more from hands-on activities or auditory explanations.

Both strategies are creative and inclusive, supporting all students and providing a strong foundation for them to build on and progress to higher levels of learning.

By combining these two approaches, educators can create a more effective and personalized learning experience. For example, a teacher might use scaffolding techniques to help all students grasp a new math concept while simultaneously differentiating instruction to cater to different learning styles and abilities.

How Does Scaffolding Improve Math Instruction

Scaffolding math instruction is based on clinical research on cognitive development and social interaction. The importance of collaboration, modeling, and guidance remains a fundamental and foundational strategy of scaffolding that can be applied to mathematics.

Scaffolding allows students to comprehend concepts and use that knowledge to build upon what they already know through genuine human collaboration.

This practical approach allows students to naturally expand their knowledge because they can build on a firm foundation due to scaffolding strategies.


Effective Scaffolding Techniques in Math Class

The following math scaffolding strategies can be effectively implemented to support students' learning and understanding. Here are some practical examples of scaffolding in math to illustrate how these techniques can be applied.

Scaffolding Questions: Scaffolding questions involve asking a series of progressively challenging questions to guide students through the learning process. This technique helps students build confidence as they move from simpler to more complex problems, ensuring they understand each step before moving on.

  • Example: For elementary students learning to solve word problems within 100, start with simple questions like, "What numbers are given in the problem?" and gradually move to more complex questions such as, "How can we use addition to solve this problem?"
  • Example: For middle school students learning about probability, begin with basic questions like, "What is the total number of possible outcomes?" and build up to more advanced questions such as, "How do we calculate the probability of multiple independent events?"

Think-Alouds: Think-alouds involve the teacher verbalizing their thought process while solving a problem. This technique demonstrates how to approach and solve problems, helping students understand the reasoning behind each step and develop their own problem-solving strategies.

  • Example: While solving a word problem within 100, the teacher can think aloud, "First, I need to identify the important information. The problem says there are 25 apples and 15 more are added. So, I need to add 25 and 15."
  • Example: For a probability lesson, the teacher might say, "To find the probability of drawing a red marble, I need to divide the number of red marbles by the total number of marbles."

Preteach Vocabulary: Preteaching vocabulary involves introducing and explaining key terms before the lesson to ensure students understand the language used in the problems. This technique is crucial for comprehension, as it helps students grasp complex concepts more easily when they encounter them in context. It is especially important for English language learners, as it provides them with the language skills needed to understand and engage with mathematical content.

  • Example: Before teaching word problems, introduce terms like "sum," "difference," and "total" to elementary students.
  • Example: For a probability lesson, explain terms like "outcome," "event," and "probability."

Use Manipulatives (CRA Approach): Using manipulatives involves hands-on tools to help students understand abstract concepts through concrete representations. The Concrete-Representational-Abstract (CRA) approach transitions from using physical objects to visual representations, and finally to abstract symbols, making it easier for students to grasp complex ideas.

  • Example: Use blocks to represent numbers in word problems for elementary students, then transition to drawing representations, and finally to solving problems using numbers alone.
  • Example: For middle school probability, use colored marbles and a bag to physically show outcomes, then move to drawing probability trees, and finally to using formulas.

Use Visual Aids: Visual aids like charts, graphs, and diagrams help students better understand complex concepts by providing visual representations of data. This technique supports visual learners and helps all students make connections between abstract ideas and real-world applications.

  • Example: Use a number line to help students visualize addition and subtraction within 100, making it easier to solve word problems.
  • Example: For probability, use a tree diagram to illustrate all possible outcomes of a random event and their probabilities.

Explicitly Model Problem-Solving: Explicitly modeling problem-solving involves demonstrating step-by-step how to approach and solve a problem. This technique helps students see the logical progression of solving a problem, enabling them to apply similar strategies independently.

  • Example: Solve a word problem on the board, explaining each step: identifying numbers, choosing an operation, and finding the solution.
  • Example: For probability, work through a problem step-by-step, calculating probabilities of single and combined events.

Provide Completed Models for Students to Study: Providing completed models allows students to study examples of correctly solved problems. This technique helps students understand the process and structure required to solve similar problems on their own.

  • Example: Give students a completed word problem with detailed steps showing how the solution was reached.
  • Example: Provide a fully worked-out probability problem, highlighting each step in the process.

Activate Prior Knowledge: Activating prior knowledge involves connecting new concepts to what students already know. This technique helps students make connections between familiar ideas and new information, making it easier to understand and retain new concepts. Additionally, asking students questions about what they already know helps the teacher identify any gaps or misconceptions that need to be addressed.

  • Example: When introducing word problems, ask elementary students how they might solve simpler addition or subtraction problems.
  • Example: Before a probability lesson, discuss everyday situations involving chance, like flipping a coin or rolling dice.

Choose Examples Carefully: Choosing instructional examples strategically is crucial. Start with simple examples and gradually increase complexity. This technique ensures that students build a solid understanding by seeing a range of problem types and making connections between them.

  • Example: For teaching word problems, begin with straightforward addition problems and move to more complex multi-step problems.
  • Example: In probability, start with single event problems and progress to problems involving multiple events.

Sequence Questions Carefully: Sequencing questions involves breaking down problems into manageable steps and asking progressively challenging questions. This technique helps students develop problem-solving skills systematically.

  • Example: For a word problem, start by asking, "What is the problem asking us to find?" then move to "What operation should we use?"
  • Example: In probability, start with, "What is the total number of possible outcomes?" and then, "How many of those outcomes are favorable?"

By using these strategies, educators can provide step-by-step support to help students grasp complex concepts and achieve mastery. These scaffolding examples in math demonstrate how teachers can support student learning at various stages.


Scaffolding for Success

Scaffolding is an essential strategy in math instruction, providing students with the support they need to understand and master new concepts. By employing techniques such as scaffolding questions, think-alouds, and using manipulatives, teachers can build a strong foundation for learning. These methods not only help students grasp complex ideas but also foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and confidence. Implementing effective scaffolding in the classroom ensures that students can progress from basic skills to advanced mathematical understanding, preparing them for future academic and real-world challenges.

Get the Definitive Guide to Combatting Math Learning Loss


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