We realize these days look different from our normal routine, especially for students who are used to following a structured schedule within a classroom. While as parents and teachers, we may not be able to exactly replicate a classroom structure and schedule at home (and that’s OK), we can provide a sense of normalcy for our kids, and keep them learning through the days ahead. To make remote learning easier, we’ve provided five activities and scheduling resources that support learning from home.
While we support continued learning at home, we advise you to not put pressure on yourself during this time of school closures and other stressors. If your schedule looks different some days, that’s certainly fine. Take this time to enjoy your family, be flexible, and stay safe. We wish you happy days at home and ahead!Resources:
Structured schedule resources (Khan Academy): https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vSZhOdEPAWjUQpqDkVAlJrFwxxZ9Sa6zGOq0CNRms6Z7DZNq-tQWS3OhuVCUbh_-P-WmksHAzbsrk9d/pub
Careers in science (Science Buddies): https://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-engineering-careers?from=Blog
Personalized Learning (Understood): https://www.understood.org/en/school-learning/partnering-with-childs-school/instructional-strategies/personalized-learning-what-you-need-to-know
“Wow in the World” podcast (NPR): https://www.npr.org/podcasts/510321/wow-in-the-world
Science for Parents (PBS): https://www.pbs.org/parents/learn-grow/all-ages/science
Science at Home (Creative Commons): http://stemteachingtools.org/assets/landscapes/Science-Learning-Guidance-for-Students-During-COVID-19-School-Closures.pdf
Families Support Science Learning at Home (Creative Commons): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vSADRkJ4hS1NxODNzq7_1Z-RYSbD-BiQToVTBPnijfU/edit