Lesser Known Avenues to STEM Careers

Tahlea Jankoski | Published  April 07, 2017



When you think of STEM careers, what jobs come to mind? While most common jobs fall under the engineering and technology industries, lesser known STEM majors and career paths can be found in all industries. 

With a shortage of qualified candidates, people who want to break into the STEM industry find that training, degrees, and certifications aren't in short supply. From trade schools to graduate programs, STEM-related careers can be reached through a variety of majors and certifications. 

What are the avenues students take to discover a career in STEM?

Trade Schools (2 year degrees)

Trade schools can provide certifications and degrees in STEM-related careers that you may not think of as a classic STEM job. From sound engineers and video editors to fashion designers and wind turbine technicians, trade schools offer focused training that prepare students for specific STEM-related jobs. This is a great way to get into STEM careers in a shorter amount of time. 

You can also get involved with organizations, such as General Assembly, that give students an opportunity to learn from instructors with real-world STEM work experience through weekend workshops, one-day classes, and online learning. 

Colleges and Universities (4 years degree)

Several STEM-related majors are available through a four-year degree program, but outside of general engineering, computer science, and math majors, what other degree programs can students choose to get into STEM industries?

From food science to animal nutrition majors, STEM-related majors are more predominant than what may seem possible. Love video games? Check out a video game design program. Enjoy being in the great outdoors? Forest sciences or urban forestry majors keep you in touch with nature. Even wood science and water, wetlands, and marine resource management degrees have huge value for STEM-related careers.

Check out this extensive lit of STEM-related majors.

Postsecondary training (Beyond a 4 year degree)

 More extensive training is also available to break into unique STEM-related careers. Regenerative medicine, exploration geophysics, music data analysis, and Antarctic engineering are just some of the lesser known professions that can be reached through advanced degree programs. 

Growing Demand for STEM Professionals

As the demand for STEM-related professionals continues to grow, more short-term training programs and unique degree programs will continue to be available for people who want to move into a STEM-related career in a shorter amount of time. 

Many programs offer real-world experience with part-time and full-time courses for web development, user experience design, computer coding, and many other STEM-related training classes to help people receive the skills they need at an accelerated pace. 


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